Benson Insurance likes to spen money wisely, The Insurance Market has hardened, I have seen this before but not as extreme as now. One thing I can tell you, besides shopping for coverage, read your proposals real well, what you think is a good offer might have an exclusion that could be really bad for a Florida Homeowner to do with out. I was reading one of my renewals and they excluded Sink Hole coverage, but when asked they added it for $164 for the year. Why didn't they offer it as a choice with the initial proposal? How can an Agent even offer a policy with out the coverage if it is available by a click of a button is beyond my comprehension of watching out for the People who rely on us for good Insurance Coverage. I added Sink hole coverage for $164, but if I had not, it would mean a total loss of a home for someone if a Sink Hole happened. Buyers Beware,